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US - UK Taxes / Re: Turbo Tax
« Last post by durhamlad on Today at 01:18:49 PM »
Living the life!

Yes indeed. This cruise is from Portsmouth and is called Islands on the Edge and it stops at 18 islands up the west coast of the UK ending up at Aberdeen. Many of the landings are via zodiac boats. So far, so good.

That service my daughter is using is as follows and she has been very pleased with it.


US - UK Taxes / Re: Turbo Tax
« Last post by nun on Today at 12:25:51 PM »
I’m currently on a cruise but I will ask my daughter when I get a chance (I only use the address, no idea who it is).

Living the life!
US - UK Taxes / Re: Turbo Tax
« Last post by durhamlad on Today at 07:01:27 AM »
Do you have any details on that service? Cost? Name? Location? I have all my finance stuff set up for delivery by email so I was thinking of asking a friend to let me use their address as a mailing address while stating my primary address as the UK.

I’m currently on a cruise but I will ask my daughter when I get a chance (I only use the address, no idea who it is).
US - UK Taxes / Re: Turbo Tax
« Last post by nun on Today at 04:30:14 AM »
It used to be the address of our daughter but once she moved back she set up a mail box service and I use that.

Do you have any details on that service? Cost? Name? Location? I have all my finance stuff set up for delivery by email so I was thinking of asking a friend to let me use their address as a mailing address while stating my primary address as the UK.
US - UK Taxes / Re: Turbo Tax
« Last post by durhamlad on Yesterday at 05:02:10 PM »
How do you maintain that US address; a relative, friend or mail box service?

It used to be the address of our daughter but once she moved back she set up a mail box service and I use that.
US - UK Taxes / Re: TIAA-CREF tax issue and contact issue
« Last post by nun on Yesterday at 03:50:44 PM »
TIAA interest and payout rates are notoriously opaque given the "vintages" and the differences between contracts. My contributions were made in the late 80s and early 90s and I'm now in my early 60s and got a single life with 10 year guarantee with the same payout rate as you and that included a 2% loyalty bonus. That bonus means that the TIAA payout rate is about 25% higher that the general annuity market rates. The 10.7% rate you saw might have included some particular circumstances and I assume today's payout rates will factor in current interest rates as well.
US - UK Taxes / Re: Turbo Tax
« Last post by nun on Yesterday at 03:12:28 PM »
I never found a way to do this and maintain a US credit card and address to buy it each year.

How do you maintain that US address; a relative, friend or mail box service?
US - UK Taxes / Re: Turbo Tax
« Last post by Barcrest on Yesterday at 03:07:41 PM »
Paying for tax prep software is one of the major issues we face while living overseas. If you can associate a US address to a US bank do so. Otherwise ask a friend or family member to pay the fee for you. You can get a US bank with a credit union, although it would still be associated to a local address. You could otherwise try freefile, if you qualify.
US - UK Taxes / Re: Turbo Tax
« Last post by Gaby on Yesterday at 02:44:23 PM »
The only payment info it brings up is for a credit card Visa etc  that I can see.
US - UK Taxes / Re: Turbo Tax
« Last post by Barcrest on Yesterday at 02:16:38 PM »
I use TaxAct. Ok, I have a U.S. card address, but I believe I noticed that you can pay via pay pal. You could link your local bank card to pay pal.
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