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Healthcare and Insurance / Re: Me
« Last post by stsag on Yesterday at 09:15:03 PM »
what an amazing thread!  glad you are healthy and thriving OP
Visas & Citizenship / FLR(M) Questions and Reassurance
« Last post by laurencurio on Yesterday at 05:25:24 PM »
Hi lovely people,

My wife is coming up on her time to extend her spouse visa at the end of this year and we just wanted some advice on a few questions we have to make sure we have everything in order prior to the application time rolling around.

She originally entered the UK on a Fiancée visa, following which we got married and changed that to a spouse visa which was approved on 29/05/2022. Her BRP is due to expire on 26/12/2024. Q1 - To our understanding, this means the FLR(M) application can go in between 29/11/2024 and the expiry date -is this correct?

Currently, this is our checklist for documents we will need to supply:
- Both our passports
- Marriage certificate
- Correspondence every 4 months from 3 different sources:
Nov 24 =savings acc (joint)
July 24 = savings acc (joint)
March 24 = council tax (joint)
Nov 23 =  bank statement (sponsor)+ bank statement (applicant)
July 23 = water bill (joint)
March 23 = council tax (joint)
Nov 22 =  bank statement (sponsor)+ bank statement (applicant)
- 6 months of sponsor payslips (may-nov)
- 6 months of sponsor bank statements
- Letter from sponsor's employer confirming employment, job title, length of employment, contract type, earnings before tax, how long i’ve held the salary + confirmation payslips are genuine
-Land registry document
-Mortgage docs

Q2 - Does the above all look okay? Have we missed anything?

Q3 - Almost all of the above documentation is going to be downloaded via online accounts, as neither of us have ever opted to get paper statements in our adult lives (its something you actively have to opt into). This didn't present an issue during the initial spouse application, is there any reason it would cause an issue this time around?

Q4 - Our water bill is addressed to just me but has my wife as an additional account holder on the side of the document - is this okay?

Q5 - regarding the confirmation of employment letter- does this need to be done by anyone at my agency specifically, or is my line manager sufficient?

Q6 - Previously we were asked to submit photos together/text messages between each other - is this also required for this application?

Thanks everyone in advance!
Money Matters / Re: Social security through FBU timeline started
« Last post by durhamlad on Yesterday at 04:13:58 PM »
Yes, thanks. My account has said it was being processed by the FBU and they would let me know if they needed anything for several months. Just wanted to keep the group updated as to how long it is taking this year.

Thanks for the tip on calling the US. I might try them this week. I can wait the initial 5 months but if something went wrong I would likely have to get a job as I couldn’t go a further 5 months.

I think for sure it is the SSA, not the FBU, that process the application. The FBU hands over the processing once they complete the interview(s) and submit the application.

Fingers crossed…
Money Matters / Re: Social security through FBU timeline started
« Last post by Jetlag on Yesterday at 03:48:09 PM »
Yes, thanks. My account has said it was being processed by the FBU and they would let me know if they needed anything for several months. Just wanted to keep the group updated as to how long it is taking this year.

Thanks for the tip on calling the US. I might try them this week. I can wait the initial 5 months but if something went wrong I would likely have to get a job as I couldn’t go a further 5 months.
Money Matters / Re: Social security through FBU timeline started
« Last post by durhamlad on Yesterday at 02:50:13 PM »
Update for those who may be applying soon. It’s been four months since the interview and I’m still waiting. I’ve emailed the Fbu twice but didn’t get a reply.

Do you have an online SS account?  My wife and I do and when it was taking so long for my wife’s application she logged on and could see that it was “in progress”. Eventually she called SS in the USA and talked with an agent who looked at her details and simply apologized for it taking so long but there was nothing amiss in her application. It just takes a very long time.

This is a thread I started detailing the process and timeline she experienced.
Travel and Transport / Re: Driving lessons and practical test
« Last post by Jetlag on Yesterday at 02:31:43 PM »
You have to unlearn some things from US driving and learn to drive to test standard. Your instructor should take you around your test centre and show you any unusual roundabouts and junctions.

 I found it helped to “drive” around the area on Street View to get a good look at the signage and familiarise myself with the area. There is a self-guided portion of the test and in some places it can be hard to read the signs, watch the traffic and get all of your observations in to test standard before you get to the roundabout.

Good luck!
Money Matters / Re: Social security through FBU timeline started
« Last post by Jetlag on Yesterday at 02:14:35 PM »
Update for those who may be applying soon. It’s been four months since the interview and I’m still waiting. I’ve emailed the Fbu twice but didn’t get a reply.

US - UK Taxes / Re: Which UK banks allow USC?
« Last post by thropere on Yesterday at 11:49:11 AM »
I have run into this issue. iWeb explicitly say no:
"Not be a US citizen or taxpayer."

According to this:
I think H&L or AJ Bell are the only options for a SIPP, would be great to add to the list though if people know any others.
US - UK Taxes / Re: FBAR and USS pension value
« Last post by thropere on Yesterday at 11:42:19 AM »
For what its worth (not an expert), I ignore the defined benefit part as I view it as covered by the treaty and report the maximum value of the DC pot on the FBAR (ie end of year + £1000 to ensure it is the maximum over the year).
Visas & Citizenship / Re: ILR checklist and questions
« Last post by cherrymist on Yesterday at 11:10:31 AM »
For different sources of the mail.

Are electric/gas bill and a water bill two separate sources or are they both considered one source (utilities)?
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