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Visas & Citizenship / Re: E Visa
« Last post by movilla on Today at 03:12:39 PM »
Do the latest BRP cards have an actual physical chip? There's none on the back and on the front above my wife's photo is an image of a chip. Is that it? Scanning around that part did not recognise anything.

I think we found the chip is on the back but invisible. Thanks UKVI. However, we're still going around in circles, returning to the 'Link your eVisa' page and having to Confirm Identity again. I think we've been here around 10 times. But I think we're also locked out for 24 hours. This is super frustrating for something that should be so simple.
Visas & Citizenship / Re: E Visa
« Last post by movilla on Today at 02:27:54 PM »
My wife got the email about registering for an eVisa and we've just spent an hour going around in circles on the Gov website. I thought I would register by BRP card (you get a choice of BRP or Passport) but when using the UK Immigration: ID Check app to scan details, as well as front and back of the BRP card it asks to scan the chip, which isn't there. We try to scan the passport and do a selfie but then we land back on the Gov site asking us to sign in again and to again take photos. After about 6 tries we seemed to have locked ourselves out and have to try again tomorrow.

Do the latest BRP cards have an actual physical chip? There's none on the back and on the front above my wife's photo is an image of a chip. Is that it? Scanning around that part did not recognise anything.

Visas & Citizenship / Re: E Visa
« Last post by robinsnc on Today at 11:34:03 AM »
I got the email this week. I've managed to login with my BRP info quite seamlessly this morning, but that's all. There's nothing for me to set up my eVisa and when I downloaded the app I don't have any of the info (QR/Connection code) to begin using it.

Now, my BRP doesn't expire until the end of the year so perhaps that's why? But it seems silly to ask me to set up an account more than six months in advance.

US - UK Taxes / Re: US Money market funds
« Last post by nun on Yesterday at 07:05:49 PM »
Looking at my last UK return they appear in schedule 3: Foreign Savings, and are listed as "Vanguard qualified dividends" (from my ETF equity fund) and "Vanguard unqualified dividends" from the Vanguard money market clearing account. The qualified dividends attract the lower tax rates and unqualified dividends get treated as interest.

Funds that have capital gains and dividends are the ones that get hurt the most  by the “non reporting” tax regime  as each year you have to pay tax on the capital gains and dividends at income tax rates. If all you have is a non reporting money market fund and declare the “dividends” as interest each year, then I think you are following the rules for non reporting funds.
Visas & Citizenship / Re: E Visa
« Last post by Rico on Yesterday at 02:26:30 PM »
I am not much of a fan at the moment either.  In particular, because I don't currently have a valid driving licence, I don't like the loss of a compact, government-issued ID (BRP). 

Still, I was contacted via email to apply for the eVisa, as I have a BRP with ILR, about 5 weeks ago.  The process was a little finicky, but workable.  It appears to have gone through ok.

What's unclear at the moment is what to do about the rest of my family, who each also have ILR as dependants on my application.  As far as I'm aware, my email address is the only one associated with that application.  One might have expected to be able to process the rest of the group at about the same time.  However, I have not been able to do so when I have tried to follow the same instructions for them (ending at a point, after having successfully created an account for them, where the system notes that no application is pending for the individual).  I suppose I will wait for further emails to process the others individually, but more clarity about what to expect would be appreciated.
US - UK Taxes / Re: US Money market funds
« Last post by durhamlad on Yesterday at 11:43:05 AM »
The Vanguard money market funds are not ETFs and do not appear on the HMRC reporting funds list. I think that strictly speaking they pay dividends rather than interest. But if you are declaring the "interest" every year and paying UK tax on it then that sounds like the right way to deal with a UK non-reporting fund anyway.

Looking at my last UK return they appear in schedule 3: Foreign Savings, and are listed as "Vanguard qualified dividends" (from my ETF equity fund) and "Vanguard unqualified dividends" from the Vanguard money market clearing account. The qualified dividends attract the lower tax rates and unqualified dividends get treated as interest.
US - UK Taxes / Re: TIAA-CREF tax issue and contact issue
« Last post by nun on Yesterday at 11:16:27 AM »
Very helpful, thank you! I'll post back whenever I've learned more.

A 9.5% lifetime annuity is pretty damn good (even though I assume this doesn't not include annual COLA increases). I'm 67, and contributed to TIAA from 1996 to 2006 (although all the TIAA Trad contributions were made from 1996-1999).

The capital I have in TIAA Trad isn't huge, but enough that it makes sense to look into these options. I'd really like to tie a bow around this and not have it hanging there while I continue to receive interest-only payments.

That vintage of contributions will probably get you a good rate on the annuity. More recent contracts are not as generous as the older ones. The 73 year age top start the payout annuity seems strange because that's close to the RMD age limit, I'd expect to see age threasholds like 55 or 59 1/2 instead.
Enduring the Distance / Expat guilt - does it ever go away?
« Last post by Melow44 on Yesterday at 11:12:25 AM »
Hiya, just wondering if anyone has advice around expat guilt? I’m a USC (only child) moved to be with British husband  several years ago. My parents took it reasonably well and slowly developed a relationship with my spouse. We ultimately tried a move back to the US but it was shortly after Covid and was a bit of a disaster (job loss/reverse culture shock/lack of supportetc) and ultimately made the move back to UK for at least short term. My parents have not responded well, to the point of blaming it all on my spouse and essentially ignoring him/our marriage. They’ve made it clear they feel I’ve abandoned them and prefer not knowing how my life is going in the UK. I can see how this is their own selfish behavior likely coming from a place of hurt, but I’m finding it difficult to move past it. Suppose just wonder if there are any other similar stories out there and if you’ve been able to work thru it?
US - UK Taxes / Re: US Money market funds
« Last post by nun on Yesterday at 11:09:37 AM »
The Vanguard money market funds are not ETFs and do not appear on the HMRC reporting funds list. I think that strictly speaking they pay dividends rather than interest. But if you are declaring the "interest" every year and paying UK tax on it then that sounds like the right way to deal with a UK non-reporting fund anyway.
US - UK Taxes / Re: US Money market funds
« Last post by durhamlad on May 16, 2024, 09:03:02 PM »
I am in a very similar position and hold money market accounts at VG US. I will continue to declare the interest to both the IRS and HMRC and pay taxes until I’m told otherwise. The dividends I get from my Vanguard ETF is different in that I get the lower IRS and HMRC rates.
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