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Topic: is the 'keep my passport' option available at USA VFS centres?  (Read 1887 times)

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hi there!

i'm wondering if anyone has any recent info on the 'keep my passport' option at VFS centres in the US? 

i know that this service is offered elsewhere (e.g., India and Singapore, where the VFS pages clearly state the option and its cost), but there is NO mention of it on any of the US-specific VFS pages (it is not listed separately or under any of the 'premium services' in any city with a VFS centre).

i've emailed VFS about this multiple times, but never heard back. AND -- i urgently need to know, as I will need to keep my passport for work travel given current visa processing times (likely 6-8 weeks!).

If I can't do that in the US, then I'd have to apply from my country of usual residence (Singapore), or, preferably, my country of current residence (Netherlands), although that's perhaps not ideal for American applicant.

thanks very much!

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Re: is the 'keep my passport' option available at USA VFS centres?
« Reply #1 on: July 07, 2022, 04:09:57 PM »
It is with the gold settlement service which is I think thousands of pounds.

FAR easier is to apply for a second passport with the USA government.  You can travel anywhere EXCEPT the UK while awaiting your visa.

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Re: is the 'keep my passport' option available at USA VFS centres?
« Reply #2 on: July 07, 2022, 04:20:05 PM »
oh wow -- so only gold package, and only settlement visa?

we'd be applying for skilled worker as a family, so probably not an option. agh, that's annoying.

i've never heard of the second passport... is that speedy?

thanks so much!

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Re: is the 'keep my passport' option available at USA VFS centres?
« Reply #3 on: July 07, 2022, 04:35:26 PM »
Ah, sorry, I didn't realise you were applying for a skilled worker visa.  Slightly different options.

Two options.  A 5 day option and a 1 day option.  You can apply in:
San Francisco

It's £220 per application for 5 day decision.  £956 per person for 1 day service.

Second passport can be issued same day or up to two weeks.  Depends on the level of service you pick. 

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Re: is the 'keep my passport' option available at USA VFS centres?
« Reply #4 on: July 07, 2022, 05:04:59 PM »
but wait... aren't the priority visas ALL suspended in all countries... so the 5 and 1 day options are not currently available, right? i think they've been suspended since March 2022?

it looks like it's taking at least 6 weeks for those (with no priority options).

so that's why i really need to keep my passport... but i can find no evidence of that option existing in the US!  even the gold packages there do not list it as an option (they list a courier service, which wouldn't take place until after the decision)...

am I missing something?

i'd actually be OK paying the exorbitant awful 'gold' fee if I could keep it (as it'd be only me -- my family could wait and not do gold).

thanks !!

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is the 'keep my passport' option available at USA VFS centres?
« Reply #5 on: July 07, 2022, 06:35:53 PM »
I’m pretty sure the ‘keep my passport’ option is only available as part of the priority services.

And since the priority services are not currently available (due to all the Ukraine applications they are dealing with), I think that means there is no current option that allows you to ‘keep your passport’ at the moment.

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Re: is the 'keep my passport' option available at USA VFS centres?
« Reply #6 on: July 07, 2022, 08:30:35 PM »
hm, thanks. it's very mysterious and impossible to contact VFS, which is infuriating.

i think the 'priority' and 'super priority' visas do NOT allow you to use the keep my passport services, actually. or so it says on the VFS pages in the countries that offer it (it says you CAN opt for the service but NOT in cases of P or SP). so right now for instance, priority is suspended, but in Singapore you can still see and select the 'keep my passport' option. but you CANNOT see that option -- even with gold packages -- on the US VFS centre pages.

but with the delayed processing times, i'm sure others out there also need passports (4-9 weeks is a long time!).

does anyone have recent experience applying for skilled worker from US, and being allowed to opt for the keep my passport service?  perhaps it pops up as an option once you get your number and make an appointment?

I can't get that far, as I can't apply in US until I know that I can in fact keep my passport.

thanks, of course, in advance!

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Re: is the 'keep my passport' option available at USA VFS centres?
« Reply #7 on: July 07, 2022, 10:46:23 PM »
hm, thanks. it's very mysterious and impossible to contact VFS, which is infuriating.

i think the 'priority' and 'super priority' visas do NOT allow you to use the keep my passport services, actually. or so it says on the VFS pages in the countries that offer it (it says you CAN opt for the service but NOT in cases of P or SP). so right now for instance, priority is suspended, but in Singapore you can still see and select the 'keep my passport' option. but you CANNOT see that option -- even with gold packages -- on the US VFS centre pages.

Okay, so looking at the VFS Global website for applications made in the US, the only packages that allow you to keep your passport are the Settlement Premium and Settlement Standard services… which are for family visas only, which can take 3-6 months for processing.

The Gold, Silver and Bronze packages do not include the ‘keep your passport’ option, and it cannot be added separately, so it looks like it is not possible to keep your passport if applying for a skilled worker visa from the US.

Normally you would be able to use the Gold or Silver services for 1-day or 5-day processing, so you likely wouldn’t need to keep your passport anyway… but as announced, these services are currently suspended.

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Re: is the 'keep my passport' option available at USA VFS centres?
« Reply #8 on: July 07, 2022, 11:23:06 PM »
Oh so it DOES show up for those! So yes, this means that it's NOT offered even in the premium packages, then.

I was hoping it might magically appear after you sign up for an appointment.

Thanks for looking at that!

So yikes, yeah, with no priority, no option to keep passport, and 4-8 weeks processing, I'm not sure US will be a good option.

Unless I do the second passport option... I'd never heard of this but it might work... thanks to the tip above for that! I'd just have to line up the appointments carefully...

thanks to all!

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Re: is the 'keep my passport' option available at USA VFS centres?
« Reply #9 on: July 08, 2022, 12:04:51 AM »
Oh so it DOES show up for those! So yes, this means that it's NOT offered even in the premium packages, then.

That’s correct - and I imagine the reason it’s not offered is because there’s no need for it… at least not for Gold or Silver anyway, because the processing times for those are so quick that it wouldn’t be worth keeping your passport - you’d have to give it back within a few days and wouldn’t have enough time to use it for travel anyway.

I was hoping it might magically appear after you sign up for an appointment.

No, you have to add any additional services to your cart before you book the appointment… so if it’s not offered before booking the appointment, that means it’s not available.

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Re: is the 'keep my passport' option available at USA VFS centres?
« Reply #10 on: July 08, 2022, 10:38:08 AM »
Sorry about that, I didn't realise priority was still suspended (as it's available again inside the UK). 

Here's how to apply for a second US passport:


Is your work not understanding that you won't be able to travel while applying for a visa?  I have important work meetings next week and one of our most senior executives is not going to make it as his passport is out for renewal.  It is what it is.  He will dial in.  Not ideal but it was never an issue for anyone that he can't physically be present.

Heck, we've withdrawn relocation offers as everything is remote these days.   "We still want you, we just don't want to pay for you to move here".  Literally.  ;D 

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