I'm sure these questions have been asked (and answered) before but I don't find the search function of the forum to be very intuitive and so thought I'd throw out what I hope are simple questions: (I'm having to complete my return manually rather than using software, but that's another story!)
Having finally moved into retirement I'm now drawing retirement income as follows:
US Social Security Retirement Benefit
UK State Pension
UK Private Pension
Questions are this:
Where (which line) do I report each of these income categories on my 1040?
In completing form 1116 - which category of income do I report each of these income sources - general, passive or not included? (The UK private pension has tax deducted but the other two are paid gross).
In addition to the above I have a UK SIPP that I have not chosen to put into drawdown yet as I don't have a need for the income and having just received an inheritance I'm not sure when I will (are there any age limits that I should be aware of in this regard?) When I do, I will most proably take smaller lump sums utilsing the UK 25% tax free allowance and hope to minimise how much I pay to HMRC and the IRS.
Comments/thoughts/guidance gretaly appreciated.
If I recall correctly you are a USC living in the UK like myself so I can tell you what I do.
US SS - line 6a gross amount as shown on SSA statement, line 6b zero since it is only taxable in the UK
UK private pension - line 5 (Pensions and Annuities) gross amount
UK State Pension - not reported at all on 1040 since it is only taxable in the UK
Inheritance money not reported on 1040. I don’t know about SIPPs as I don’t have any but I would think withdrawals would be reported on line same as UK private pension.