…thank you for picking this up and getting back to me so quickly - Lynn and I really appreciate it.
Lynn is still concerned that nowhere on any of her Home Office correspondence does it refer to her being on the 5-year route to ILR which is worrying. We tried calling for advice today but the response was vague and it seems you cannot have your personal case checked for confirmation.
We’ve already crawled all over the website you kindly referred us to and it states the route Lynn is on will be included in her documentation from the Home Office but it isn’t.
I guess it would put our minds at rest to know there are people out there who have done it this way e.g. 30 month Spouse visa (leave to enter) followed by a 30 month family visa (FLR M) followed by Indefinite Leave to Remain
Many thanks again for reaching out - what would we do without this forum