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Topic: Changes in the E111 forms??  (Read 1258 times)

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Changes in the E111 forms??
« on: February 12, 2005, 12:27:06 PM »
Wasn't sure where to put this question.
Going to Europe?? Changes in the E111 form?
New forms issued on a individual..not family basis.
Later in 2005 the UK will be adopting the European health insurance card(EHIC),which will be issued to those who have applied for new E111.
Each individual traveller now needs their own E111 form,including children. However,if you are a family you only need to complete one application form for you..your partner and your children???
I see this free E111 form entitles you to free or reduced-cost state healthcare if you fall ill or have an accident while travelling in a European Union(EU) country.
Has anyone applied for this? Just a bit comfused about what the postoffice leafet says. I gather that we will only need to fill out one E111 form for husband and I? But leaflet says...new forms issued on a individual ..not family basis.
I am going to Finland for two weeks later this year and wanted to get this taken care of. Thanks.

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Re: Changes in the E111 forms??
« Reply #1 on: February 12, 2005, 12:40:17 PM »
Wasn't sure where to put this question.
Going to Europe?? Changes in the E111 form?
New forms issued on a individual..not family basis.
Later in 2005 the UK will be adopting the European health insurance card(EHIC),which will be issued to those who have applied for new E111.
Each individual traveller now needs their own E111 form,including children. However,if you are a family you only need to complete one application form for you..your partner and your children???
I see this free E111 form entitles you to free or reduced-cost state healthcare if you fall ill or have an accident while travelling in a European Union(EU) country.
Has anyone applied for this? Just a bit comfused about what the postoffice leafet says. I gather that we will only need to fill out one E111 form for husband and I? But leaflet says...new forms issued on a individual ..not family basis.
I am going to Finland for two weeks later this year and wanted to get this taken care of. Thanks.

I've "done" the E111 in the past - basically it's been very easy - just complete the form, the Post Office stamps it, and that was it ... but I don't know / haven't heard about the new one. It may be that they've taken the opportunity of a change to add red tape.   Anyone else know, I'm off to Munich in the early hours ... and the post office here is now closed for the weekend ....
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Re: Changes in the E111 forms??
« Reply #2 on: February 21, 2005, 09:45:30 AM »
We always used to get one for the whole family, but with the card being introduced this may have changed.

The Post Office staff should be able to explain, or perhaps this website?:
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Re: Changes in the E111 forms??
« Reply #3 on: February 21, 2005, 07:48:52 PM »
Individual cards would certainly make things easy.  Alot of it is probably because families often end up having to get more than one anyway-last year we needed to provide one for both childrens school trips.  So filling hte thing out once and everyone getting seperate cards would make more sense. 

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Re: Changes in the E111 forms??
« Reply #4 on: February 23, 2005, 11:38:15 AM »
DW filled out an E111 last month for us as we were going to Barcelona.  I don't konw what the previous form looked like but they're now stating on this latest form that actual Health Cards should be posted out to people who've filled in the 2005 E111 by the end of the year.  So I guess it's just a way to make sure they only send out cards to those serious about traveling this year and into the next?

I don't know if I'll get a card or not as I'm not a citizen now but plan to apply in June.  If I get my citizenship before the end of 2005 I hope I'll get a card, otherwise I guess I'll have to reapply?

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