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Topic: Moving to USA with British Husband?  (Read 2892 times)

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Moving to USA with British Husband?
« on: October 28, 2002, 08:43:25 PM »
We are planning on moving to the USA. We have been married for over two years. I am a US citizen and my hubby is British. The problems we are wondering about is the I-134 form of sponorship.... having a US bank account before moving over there....if my hubbys wages can be included in this $70,000.00 that is needed for going to States...and is there any other type visas that a person can get that will be easier to go to the USA...such as the B-1 visa ..and is any one else going through this I-30 process? Thanks for helping.

Re: Moving to USA with British Husband?
« Reply #1 on: October 28, 2002, 11:09:07 PM »
Unfortunately I don't have any answers to your questions other than some comments on what we went through.  My husband came to the US on an H1-B visa.  We were then married and he applied for a green card.  When we applied for the green card we got an immigration lawyer to make sure all of our T's were crossed and I's were dotted.  It was a good thing because the movies definitely make it out to be that "Oh you're married to an American...welcome to America...not problem...NOT!"  He had do undergo a medical and we had to produce a bunch of documentation about out marriage and relationship.  We then had an interview and they interviewed us together while they videoed us.  After we showed them the pictures of us as children (10 and 14 years old) and then picutres of our wedding in America and our blessing ceremony in England they were pretty much certain he wasn't doing this for the green card.

He has been here ten years and we are no in the process of moving back to the UK in June.  

I would think that your hubby's wages would definitely be considered because you don't have to prove you can provide for yourself because you are the American he has to prove he can provide for himself.

Good Luck,


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Re: Moving to USA with British Husband?
« Reply #2 on: November 06, 2002, 05:42:18 AM »
Well, we (I being the American, he the Brit), either one of us or both of us jointly, had to prove to the INS staff at the American Embassy in London that we had either income, wages or a job in the US, not the UK, to meet the support requirement or that we had the assets to meet the requirement (5 times the stated poverty level income for a household of 2).  We passed on assets as neither of us had a job in the US.  The fact that our assets were tied up in a house in the UK made no difference to INS; they were happy with the letter from a local estate agent as to the value of the property against it's mortgage.  

I recommend checking with the INS to be sure.

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Re: Moving to USA with British Husband?
« Reply #3 on: January 07, 2004, 07:35:56 PM »
Perhaps my information can help.

Im the USC, my husband is the UKC. We applied through DCF at London Embassy. I filed I-130 and he filed DS-230 and checklist on same day to keep things running smoothly. I had to prepare the I-864 Affidavit of Support in which we had to show sufficent means of support for a household size of two. We had assets in a house which we had valued by an estate agent. The letter from the estate agent and redemption statement from our mortgage company showed a complete picture of total would-be profit from the sale of our house. I also provided a copy of our title deed, which I obtained from HM Land Registry to show the location and ownership of the house.

I provided my tax information as required. I had something like $4400 in UK wages and no current UK job when we went for the interview on Oct 21 2003. With that money and the money in our house we passed the financial means requirements. It was confirmed to me then that my Husband's UK income could no count towards our means of financial support because the job would not be following him when he leaves the UK.

Hope that helps,
Me (US/UK), DH (UK/US), DD (US/UK)
US > UK (2001, 3 years) > US (2004, 16 years) > UK (coming soon)

Specialist in UK > US Immigration via Direct Consular Filing (DCF), Founder of Dive Into America (2003-2020)

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