I guess I really don't have my stuff together. I'm totally lost.
My plan was to have a reception over here on 11 March 2006, move to UK late March, and get married in a registry office over there on 5 April 2006.
This whole giving notice to a registry office, can it be done if I haven't entered the country yet? As in:
can I apply for a visa
get the visa
give notice to a regitsry office
have my reception in the states
move to the UK
and then get married in the registry office,
In that order??
From the posts I'm reading it sounds as though you have to have entered the country through your visa before you can declare your intent to marry to the registry office!! We'll only have, at most, 2 weeks, between my entering the country the getting married. If you need to declare after entry is it possible to declare intent in such a short time??