Personally, I think the problems of having a LHD car here are often grossly overrated. I've had left-hand drive here for a good many years, and never encountered anything I would really call a major snag.
I will admit though that living in rural areas means that barriers on parking lots and similar potential difficulties are pretty rare, so it may be a little different if you're living in the city (my old Pontiac with a bench seat was best for that if traveling alone -- Just knock it into neutral and set the brake for a moment and slide across the seat to the passenger window).
Whether it's worth the paperwork and costs to import is another matter. Newer vehicles now have to go through the Single-Vehicle Approval scheme and you'll get tied up in all the red-tape of that, so it's actually easier to import an old classic now than a new car.
By the way, regarding the issue of different lighting arrangements on modern British/European cars, you'll find that different MoT inspectors seem to interpret the rules in different ways. Take turn signals as an example. You'll find some who just see the paragraph in their manual which says cars built after 1965 must have amber signals on the rear and will refuse to accept combined red brake/turn signals. Others take a more practical approach: "Well it was built like that and they work, so it passes."
Just as you need to hunt around for insurance, it's also sometimes a good idea to hunt around for the inspection and find someone who isn't going to complain about petty little things like the absence of a rear fog light.