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Topic: few questions about Bunac student visa...  (Read 1702 times)

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few questions about Bunac student visa...
« on: July 06, 2005, 03:54:40 AM »
After reading a lot of the posts on here(that by the way came in mighty handy), and doing much other research on the internet, I feel like taking a little adventure/detour away from school is just what I need to do.  I have narrowed my destinations to Great Britain and Ireland, and everything seems fair so far(in terms of working a low-end job balanced with a new country to explore).

Just a few questions if anyone could answer:

-Do I need to buy my return flight ticket 6 months in advance? Or just a one way, then purchasing my return while in my new country?

-Is $1000 enough to get by until finding a job?

-Is a passport mandatory before I send in my application to Bunac? I currently don't have one, but I think it would be something worthwhile if I planned a weekend trip to a country in Europe.

And by the way, any reccomendations for the cities on the south coast that they are living in?

Thanks, cheers and thanks for the help in advance.

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Re: few questions about Bunac student visa...
« Reply #1 on: July 06, 2005, 09:31:30 AM »
Can't answer all of your questions, but I will say that you're gonna need a passport no matter what -- not just in case you decide to plan some weekend trips to the Continent.

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Re: few questions about Bunac student visa...
« Reply #2 on: July 06, 2005, 04:30:51 PM »

I will do the best I can here.  I did BUNAC in 2002-2003 (and met my husband!)

Just a few questions if anyone could answer:

-Do I need to buy my return flight ticket 6 months in advance? Or just a one way, then purchasing my return while in my new country?

I think it would be pretty difficult to get in with a one-way ticket.  Also, it is much cheaper to buy a round trip ticket.  Furthermore, if you need to change the date (as I did) and go through STAtravel, it is pretty cheap (I think it was 15 pounds)

-Is $1000 enough to get by until finding a job?

You have to take into account that that is only going to yield about 500 pounds.  I did not bring nearly enough money with me and ended up in a crappy place because of it.  In London, you are more likely to find a job sooner than in more rural areas, but the cost of living is astonishing.  You will have to pay a deposit on your flat/bedsit/long term hostel.  I recommend bringing as much money as you can or be prepared to use your credit card.  Again, my experience was only in London.

-Is a passport mandatory before I send in my application to Bunac? I currently don't have one, but I think it would be something worthwhile if I planned a weekend trip to a country in Europe.

You have to have a valid passport to travel to the UK.  You don't necessarily have to have it in hand before applying for BUNAC, but you had better get it fast.  It is freaking expensive to have those suckers expedited.  Again, I speak from experience.  I got my passport less than 3 weeks before I left!!

And by the way, any reccomendations for the cities on the south coast that they are living in?

nope!  I lived in London!  maybe someone else can help here!

had a bit of a wobble.

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Re: few questions about Bunac student visa...
« Reply #3 on: July 07, 2005, 04:47:57 AM »
I did BUNAC in 2002-2003 as well. 

I entered without a return ticket, but had enough funds to purchase one.  I would reccomend guying one on advance thru STA as well because it will be one less thing to worry about.  STA is cheap and surprisingly helpful.

I would bring more than $1000 unless you seriously want to max out your credit cards.  Everything is expensive over there. 

Apply for a passport now.  Why wait?  No express shipping charges, no worry if it's there in time.

I visited Devon and thought it was lovley...not sure if theres going to be much to do but it is a nice place to visit.  I spent a bit of time in Oxford (not coast but South), which is lots of fun, but again expensive and filled with posh students.

Are you thinking of doing the combined work in britian and ireland program?

Sorry I couldn't tell you much more than the last poster  :)  I loved my time there and would go back in a heartbeat if I could.

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