My parents sent 2 packages to me from the US for Christmas. They were mailed from separate post offices in the same city, 2-3 days apart, about Dec.14 & 16th or something. I finally recieved them both on the same day the next
APRIL!!! I have no clue what took them so long... my parents both filed forms at the USPS to try to track them, and I tried online, but we were never given any useful info on their whereabouts.

It was mostly snack foods (candy, grape Jelly & JIF, graham crackers, etc.) and stuff. The chocolate Hershey Kisses had gone out of date by the time I got them, but the rest was fine, and the boxes were still intact, nothing broken or damaged.
Oh yeah, and they delivered them to my next door neighbour as well, who
luckily we are friends with, because we were both at work at the time they arrived. They left us
NO NOTE to say they had been here or where they had delivered them or
anything. The postal service is absolute shyte. They are sooo unorganised and useless.

But, if its any help, I haven't ever
NOT recieved a package sent yet, so have faith and patience.

It'll come someday. In the meanwhile, we'll keep you entertained here... *lol* Hang in there and good luck!

<<< Offers to share Granola & Reddenbacher Popcorn stash in the meanwhile... >>>

Try a local healthfood shoppe for vegetarian goodies and meat-free protien alternatives. Even my teenie little town has one!