As a lot of you know I am finally coming to England this week, It will just be my 22 month old daughter and I. She has been in her TERRIBLE twos since she was one, but for the past couple weeks she has been extremely irritable, mean, loud, and REFUSES to do anything I ask her (before she would sit when I asked, be quiet when I said "shhhh" etc), now everytime we go out now whether to Target, appts, or the library she causes a HUGE scene, btw., I am No Pushover, I am not one of those moms that beg my child quietly to please do this, please do that etc, I am quite firm but Loving, she has been a difficult child ever since she was born, highly sensitive, didn't sleep through the night until she was 15 MONTHS old!?!? She still wakes up occasionally and hardly sleeps at naptime (no more than an hour) the Drs say she is a high-need child, that doesn't make me feel any better unless theres something that can help. My long point is I have a LONG flight with her and I am a nervous wreck.
She was difficult in a average way on all of our other international flights before but now she is So Different, i don't know what to expect.
Does anyone have any advice (besides "Relax").
THANKS Ladies!