I was thinking of some of the silly things I have done to try and lose a few pounds quickly:
The soup/cereal/Slimfast diet
The apple diet
The grapefruit diet
The fruit/vegetable only diet
But the silliest one of all had to be the Danish diet. I ate things I'd never normally dream of eating, like boiled celery for a meal?? And plain yogurt with some ham for lunch, grated carrots for breakfast, and one day water for lunch! That diet lasted 13 days!! Yeah I lost an impressive amount of weight, but it didn't all stay off and I was so hungry I could have chewed off my arm! I know these things aren't healthy and aren't permananent, yet I tried them anyways. I know what works for me, and that's exercise. But it's hard to turn down something that promises "quick" even if I do know better!
So what is the craziest diet plan you've tried?