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Topic: Motorcycles?  (Read 852 times)

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« on: August 17, 2005, 05:37:31 PM »
I was wondering if there was anything different (laws, liscence, etc.) about motorcycles in the UK.  Are they more strict or less concerning them?  Is it harder to get your license?  How does anything differ from the way it's done in the US?

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Re: Motorcycles?
« Reply #1 on: August 22, 2005, 08:14:40 PM »
Hi.  I've been trying to check this out myself for months.  As I understand it, the rider's test is much more difficult in England than it is here.  All I did to get my license here was ride around a parking lot. There someone goes out and rides alongside to observe your riding skills.   Of course, the drivers test is much more involved as well.
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Re: Motorcycles?
« Reply #2 on: August 22, 2005, 08:57:59 PM »
There someone goes out and rides alongside to observe your riding skills.

Changed a lot since I took my test,the chap would take you into a street near the test centre,then give you directions where to go and would follow on foot taking shortcuts through alleyways etc,so you never knew where he was.Then at some point to practice your emergency stop he would leap out in front of you,lost quite a few examiners LOL.
As for the original question,sorry but its been so long I havent a clue.Don't know if this may help.


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Re: Motorcycles?
« Reply #3 on: August 29, 2005, 09:15:27 AM »
I've just passed my bike test so heres how it was!

you have to take your cbt test first, only invloves riding around for a day, starts of with practising round cones on a car park,then safety talks,followed by an afternoon ride out with instructors. You have a bike to bike radio for them to give you instructions.
It is really easy so dont worry about it!

next step is to book your theory test
once booked you have to answer 35 multiple choice questions and watch some hazard perception video clips. these involve 14 2min videos where you have to click your mouse on what you see as a hazard, i.e. people walking near the road,buses,parked cars etc..... heres a tip for you , DONT click to early! if you've been a car driver for awhile, you will see the hazards earlier than a new driver, so click once as you see it then click again after a couple of seconds. I was pretty nervous at taking this but in the end it turned out to be the easiest part, so just relax,take a deep breath then hit the start button. they do give you instructions as it starts.

after you have this (and you will find out on the day if you have passed) you need to book your practle test.You can do this online as well
I opted for the direct access course as your not restricted on the size of bike you ride,other courses restrict you to under 500cc.
Although I've ridden for quite awhile I went for the 3 day course,just to get any bad habits I've learnt out my system. It cost £400 which included the test fee and is well worth it, different bike schools may charge different prices so well worth asking around.
I then round around for 3 days on a 600cc bike with bike to bike intercom, the instructor telling me where to go(and literally at times I may add lol ;D) and pointing out mistakes.
on my 3rd day I had my test, luckily for me I had the good test instructor who follows you in his car. He asks a few basic bike safety questions at the start then we drove around for 40 mins. the only time he got of his car was for the emergency stop,which turned out to be pretty easy ( Iwas nervous up to that point)
then it was back to the centre and he gave me the result.

believe me, you wont regret doing your test, I'm loving it now!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1

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