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Topic: Could they really be so mean?  (Read 1819 times)

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Could they really be so mean?
« on: August 10, 2005, 01:43:58 AM »
Just a bit of a background... I'm a web designer living in Texas who cannot wait to move to the UK.

A month ago I hit what I thought was that big break: I was invited for my first job interview with a small but solid company north of London. The interview went well and the manager who talked with me said "we're interested but want you back for interview round 2". Yay, fine, I don't mind coming back. This looked promising. So the recruiter helps set up another interview for the 8th.

I went there yesterday, met with the manager who interviewed me last time and another company head and... nothing. I did what I felt was fairly well in the interview but they said... nothing. Just a "Well, thank you, we'll sit here and talk about you as you might imagine". Not even a "We'll let you know".

Could they do it? Could they really call me in for an interview TWICE, knowing I'm flying all the way from Texas and forking over a grand for each of the tickets, and then "dump" me?

I'm just worried and depressed. I haven't been in my present US job very long and I can't continue flying back and forth for more job interviews if that's what will be required of me.

Anyway... just a bit of job-hunt related venting. *sigh* If I don't get this I'm back to square one.


Re: Could they really be so mean?
« Reply #1 on: August 10, 2005, 06:24:58 AM »
If they do hire you, will they need to get you a work permit, or are you already legal to work here?

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Re: Could they really be so mean?
« Reply #2 on: August 10, 2005, 07:33:53 AM »
I can sympathise. It's sooo hard to find a web design job of any kind in the UK, let alone any job. Even people who have lived here all their lives can't find web design jobs, even if they're talented (my DF included). There are far too many applicants and not enough actual jobs in that field, and furthermore they'd have to find good enough reason to hire you instead of someone home grown.

Just curious, what's the main reason you want to come over to the UK? Is there anything else you'd be willing to do to come over instead? To be honest, I think the odds of you successfully finding a web design job here are slim, especially if you're relying on flying over for interviews and wasting huge amounts of money on flights.  :-\\\\
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Re: Could they really be so mean?
« Reply #3 on: August 10, 2005, 08:03:11 AM »
As Honeybee pointed out, web design jobs are hard to come by even for those who have permission to work here.  If you require a work permit, unfortunately, your chances are very close to nil.  This may be why they were so dismissive.

I think Honeybee's suggestion of exploring other avenues is a good idea. 

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Re: Could they really be so mean?
« Reply #4 on: August 10, 2005, 08:52:52 AM »
On the flip side - should they hire you simply because they know you came all the way from Texas for two interviews, even if you're not what they're looking for?

My husband is the UK citizen and he does web design - trust me, it is not an easy market to get into - it's rather flooded, in fact.  :-\\\\
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Re: Could they really be so mean?
« Reply #5 on: August 10, 2005, 09:09:15 AM »

Hang in there...its not over yet! 

If it doesn't work out that chalk it up as an experience and you will be all the wiser next time around.  I have to say that I don't beleive they should have asked you over a 2nd time unless they were pretty certain that they thought you were a great fit for the position. But that's me....I would in fact consider the expense of the applicant and the possbility of getting their hopes up.

Also, your perception of them being a bit dismissive could also be a bit of a cultrual thing. Maybe they weren't being as dismissive as you thought. Brits don't do the "woohoo"  thing like some American's do.... they are better at holding their cards closer to their chest.

Best of luck and let us know how things turn out!


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Re: Could they really be so mean?
« Reply #6 on: August 10, 2005, 07:53:18 PM »
Thanks, all. The work permit is not an issue - I have an EU passport. I'm just confused as to why they'd call me in for an interview TWICE knowing what my situation is.

If I don't get it, I'll keep trying I guess... I feel fortunate to have gotten some sort of a break this early on (I've only been looking sincerely for the past few months).

Re: Could they really be so mean?
« Reply #7 on: August 10, 2005, 09:05:31 PM »
Thanks, all. The work permit is not an issue - I have an EU passport.

Thank goodness... that's one less thing to worry about!

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Re: Could they really be so mean?
« Reply #8 on: August 10, 2005, 10:45:34 PM »
On the flip side - should they hire you simply because they know you came all the way from Texas for two interviews, even if you're not what they're looking for?

I agree.  I think that they assume that you wouldn't have flown from Texas if you minded flying from Texas.

By the way, my hubs is a web designer, too, and he has another part time job because right now he cannot live off the income from his web design business.

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Re: Could they really be so mean?
« Reply #9 on: August 30, 2005, 10:50:42 PM »
Being an IT field position, I'm surprised they didn't phone interview you first time around.  It's very common these days and given your location it'd be a great way to initially find out that you could talk the talk that was on your CV and what the job required.

That would at least have given them somewhat of an indication as to whether your skills were up to scratch and that you could communicate reasonably well.  It's rather cheeky of them to ask you to fly over twice!  Certainly, I could see them wanting you to come in person at least for the 2nd round.

Btw, this is a great site to see what the rates are for contractors and salaries are for permies and what skills are most in demand in the UK and broken down by regions.  It's a reasonable guide:  http://www.contractoruk.com/market_stats/  A few of the rates looked fairly skewed but overall I don't think they're too far off.  Do you do Java, Javascript, C++, .Net, Websphere, JSPs, ASPs or any of that kind of stuff?  XML?  Or is it more straight HTML design?

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Re: Could they really be so mean?
« Reply #10 on: August 31, 2005, 01:02:27 AM »
By the way, my hubs is a web designer, too, and he has another part time job because right now he cannot live off the income from his web design business.

So is mine, but he now works full time as a graphic designer. Even as a British citizen he is lucky to have found that job in the UK. Web design is a very hard thing to make a living off of, especially if it's hard enough finding a job in that field.
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