OK, so after being told that I am permnanent and having an appointment to get my staff ID, I get a letter saying that my employment is contingent on a character reference.
The referee has to be someone,
who has known me for a minimum of 2 years
not a relative (or in-law)
not a previous employer
someone employed in a professional capacity- nurse, teacher, manager, solicitor, etc.
I graduated university 6 years ago, and went part-time, so I don't know if any professors will even remember me. Besides, a professor would only have known me for one semester.
When I went to the doctor, it was maybe one or two times a year, a nurse maybe took my blood pressure for a minute and that was it. I didn't develop a relationship with anyone.
The same with the bank, if I had to speak to someone, I just spoke with whoever was there.
I didn't have any friends who were professionals. (Excuse me for being working class.) I was also in a bad relationship for 17 years, and became isolated from most of my friends.
I worked at the same job for over 15 years, so I don't have anybody from previous jobs who would remember me.
Would it be alright to use a coworker from my old job, even though the request says not to use a previous employer?