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Topic: Blood Canticle  (Read 5044 times)

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Re: Blood Canticle
« Reply #15 on: December 11, 2003, 12:59:19 AM »
Well, if you have any available time, let us know and we can meet up for coffee while you're in town!

We're heading into London on Friday to see All About Eve at the Borderline that night as well as Saturday night too. Old goth habits die hard. But we're leaving again early on Sunday. I have no idea about London geography or where we'll be or where you are for that matter! I don't suppose a person of similar music taste like you would be going as well???? Seems like something up your alley too.  :)


Well, that's just the thing.  When Memnoch came out she did this dramatic thing of going about saying Lestat had left her and she felt that would be her last story with him.  Of course he popped back up anyway.  With Blackwood Farm and Blood Canticle she has some new vampirey characters to work with now so perhaps she'll focus on them.

Yeah that's true. Almost forgot about that! I remember I was quite excited when Lestat came back. From the general gist I hear from Blackwood Farm, I know I'd love it but I do get a bit annoyed when she over-describes things. But maybe my overall patience is finally thinning.

I don't recall all of them either.  I'm sure it's on her website somewhere.  

Sadly, her website has never been her strong point and I rarely visit as it is usually disappointing.

I was really hoping that the movies would follow the books and at the very least do the first 3 in the series.  I think the notion of that happening fell away when David Geffen left the project. :(

But then I was hoping that maybe a certain Tim Burton would step in and renew movie exec interest and save the day....perhaps there's still a chance.  ;D

Yes, Antonio Bandares did a fab job playing Armand!

At the risk of being scolded by the husband.......sigh! [smiley=blush.gif]

What you will find is that Blood Canticle simply picks up where Blackwood Farm leaves off.  They're both good reads!  I'll be interested to know what you think!

As I said, I hope to get stuck in during the holiday break but knowing me, I'll wind up wasting time online instead of reading. You have actually inspired me to even want to pick up Blackwood Farm so once I get started, I'm sure I'll wonder why it took so long.  I'll get caught up one of these days!!

And yes, I've read the Beauty series too....more than once. ::)

Re: Blood Canticle
« Reply #16 on: December 11, 2003, 10:14:36 PM »

We're heading into London on Friday to see All About Eve at the Borderline that night as well as Saturday night too. Old goth habits die hard. But we're leaving again early on Sunday. I have no idea about London geography or where we'll be or where you are for that matter! I don't suppose a person of similar music taste like you would be going as well???? Seems like something up your alley too.  :)

Sorry, I'm not going.  :(  So if you're coming Friday night and not leaving until Sunday what will you be doing on Saturday during the day?  Give me a shout on PM if you prefer!  Might be better than to bore folks to death!  We live in Zone 4 so wherever you'll be we can get there, no problem.

From the general gist I hear from Blackwood Farm, I know I'd love it but I do get a bit annoyed when she over-describes things.

I do too, but I think that's why Blackwood Farm was an easy read because she dispensed with that a bit.

Sadly, her website has never been her strong point and I rarely visit as it is usually disappointing.

Sadly, I agree with you.  Although she just recently had the whole thing re-vamped in a big way with a new lay out and such and makes it a bit better.  

But then I was hoping that maybe a certain Tim Burton would step in and renew movie exec interest and save the day....perhaps there's still a chance.  ;D

Tim Burton....now THAT would have my interest if he did!!!

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