I miss a lot more of England than I thought I would.
Worstershire (sp?) flavored crisps (among many others...there just aren't that many flavor varieties here and after getting over the "that's kinda strange" feeling, I really loved them)
All things UK chocolate. So much better there...even the M&Ms. Just tastes higher quality. I've been ruined for good chocolate.

My husband really missed mushy peas...but we stumbled across them in our local World Market (along with real UK chocolate like...Mint and regular Aero bars...and Flake...and Dairy Milk and more)
Real pork and beef sausages. Must say I grew quite attached to the flavor of them myself...particularly the Asda brand. Can't find anything like it where we are. To get some specially made at a meat shop, it's going to be $6 a lb...and we have to buy 10 lbs.
Non-smoked bacon. It's been a struggle finding this...I have a picky eater.

Sunday roasts...which we do ourselves on ocassion...but it's not the same
Barnecutt's Cornish Pasties and sausage rolls! (We've tried our hand at making pasties...they came out all right, but not the same)
The Bodmin Chicken House.
UK KFC...They don't do sandwiches like that here.
McDonald's Chicken Premiere. Nothing like it here.
The weather....I like cold and rainy with the ocassional bright day. We live in SW Florida. There is no cold and rainy, unless a hurricane comes through in late october.
My MIL's dogs. And walking the Camel Trail with said dogs. I *wish* I had something like that within walking distance to take my dog too. He would love it.
The countryside.
The hills.
The accents.

Pizza dough mix from Asda. Their brand is so much better than what I've found here. (back to food, I see

Tinned beans and sausages...also Asda brand. Haven't found the same here. Did find some real Heinz Baked Beans imported, though.
Crawfords chocolate digestives. McVitty's digestives and rich teas.
Lenore. I loved how freshly washed clothes with that softener smelled.
Tetley's tea. We found Tetley's in Publix...but it's not the round bag, it's the US style bag with a string. I think the round bags made better tea...could just be me, though.

The history and culture of the region as a whole. I love history and literature. My minor was in Early British Literature. It was just so....excellent being in the place that so many of my favorite works came from.
I think I'll stop there before I add another page to this thread.
