Ok, so it's coming up to a year that I've been in the UK, and I realize I've got to get my UK license. So, I start asking around at work for any recomendations as for a driving instructor, so that I can hopefully just take a single lesson or two to learn the unique things they'll ding you for on the exam.
So, one of my co-workers, who's practicing for the test, talks to his driving instructor about my situation, and here's that the instructor tells him.
"Oh right, well, yes, after a year in the UK, he's got to get a license. However, there's a loophole to that. It's after a year, since the last time he entered the country!"
So, if that is true, and since my work takes me back to the states at least once or twice a year, I should never have to bother getting a UK license, provided I keep my US license renewed.
Is this true? Does anyone know? 'Cause if so, all I can say is AWESOME!!!!!!