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Topic: UK Attitudes: asylum seekers...  (Read 3121 times)

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Re:  UK Attitudes: asylum seekers...
« Reply #15 on: October 23, 2003, 01:03:17 PM »
Very interesting and thanks for posting it!  It's good to know that some assistance is being given to help these children integrate.  

Re:  UK Attitudes: asylum seekers...
« Reply #16 on: October 24, 2003, 08:43:27 PM »
Thanks Elle,

I hope more people are talking the time to read this article too. Via the actual link to the BBC website there is also a "fact sheet" regarding the numbers of asylum seekers, their accomodations and reasons for seeking refuge.

In the meantime you can definately tell from the article weither or not one agrees with their immigration to the UK, there is a definate need to help the families situate themselves in what must be a scary country.

I want to do my part, after my BA and MA I may go to law school--immigration law etc etc or community activism and support. That is why I have learned so many languages (Arabic also being a portal to Phasto, Urdu--which is really Hindi, and Kurdish) I have a lot of Somali friends and am thinking of having them teach me to speak.

Question for all the parents: How do you/or would you feel about your children going to school with asylum seeking kids?



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