hey, everyone,
after reading a post by junehawk, which made me realize that i am not alone in the whole process, I thought I might have more luck trying to figure this whole thing out by being more specific, which is a little weird when sifting though all the information out there!
the thing that confused me was the idea of getting a job...everything it seemed was geared towards professionals and what not, but what about regular work?
and as far as immigration goes, the whole process beyond getting married seems unattainable to me, which I know it is not, but still... I orginally thought that I would want to go to school there first, but right now I am not so sure that I want to go to graduate school anymore, so now I am seriously lost at what my possibilities are. I think that I might be able to get my Irish citizenship (I am not that far removed and was looking into it), but just in case I wanted a back-up plan.
programs like BUNAC seemed like a possibility, working in a pub and such, but that was for a limited time, and if I liked it enough over there, I doubt that I would know how to get back (which it may sound like I am expecting too much from my experience, but I was never one to think otherwise...)
I know that I wouldn't be floundering around if I just knew what my options were, so if anyone could point me in the right direction, I would really appreciate it. sorry if this sounds terribly naive, but it feels like a giant nebulus to me and I am floating around in it just looking for some firmament.