Hi everyone. I was referred to this site from another forum, and I'm really hoping I can get some clear answers. However, any and all advice will be much appreciated! Thank you in advance for everything, and I realise that you all have probably answered this question (and similar ones) probably countless times, so I apologise.
I'm going to give a fairly detailed account of what has happened over the past several months.
I live in Michigan and my boyfriend lives in England. We met (yes - over the internet) about a year ago, but I was married at the time. I left my husband this past September and was forced to quit my job due to transporation issues. My boyfriend flew over in late October and stayed for a week. We then made plans for me to fly to England in mid-December, and I was to stay for approximately seven weeks. He sent me money for my passport (as I had no income), and he purchased my plane tickets. Everything went according to plan, and I made the trip to London on December 13th. Only once I got the passport control, I was drilled, then detained for about 8 hours, and then placed on a flight back to Chicago. My boyfriend and I were advised that I should not return to the UK without a Visa. The written reason they gave me as to why they denied me entry was because they weren't satisfied with the details I provided as to how I was going to occupy myself during my stay or on my 'claimed' return to America, and they told me (verbally) I didn't have good enough ties in America to compel me to return (no job, etc. despite the fact that I made it perfectly clear to them that it was imperative that I return to file for and finalise my divorce).
The case is being investigated as several things were handled very unprofessionally and somewhat haphazardly. We're still trying to wrap our heads around everything, though.
He flew out again in late December and stayed for a week. We've been frantically trying to find ways to be together, but we keep running into obstacles. I'm still legally married, though my divorce is now in the process of being filed. We're planning on marrying once my divorce is finalised, and all going well, that should be in about two months. But I'm incredibly confused about what we should do.
I thought of filing for a Visitors Visa, but seeing as how I'm not employed, that could be hard. Our plans are for him to fly out as soon as my divorce is final and marrying here in Michigan. At first I thought I'd have to apply for a K-1 Visa for him, but it would seem that that's only if we're planning on staying in the States, and we're not.
I was told there are several different routes we could take to go through this. I could file for a UK Fiance(e) Visa, fly out and marry there, then apply for a Spouse Visa. But I was told that the process can be a bit lengthy and very expensive.
I was also told that he could fly out here and I could apply for a Spouse Visa. I'm thinking that's the route we'll take, but I'm a little concerned. Can I file for a Spouse Visa before we're married so that I can fly back to the UK with him? What else can we / should we do?
We've tried getting answers from websites and Embassies, but we haven't been able to get anything definitive.
Again - thank you for any and all advice!