We bought a used Sony Trinitron TV from a colleague's mum for £20. She'd had it for at least 5 years and likely more. Her now dead husband did all the tuning and she no longer has the manual. Usually I'm pretty good at figuring this sort of thing out, but either I've met my match, or the pregnancy brain has the better of me. DH is useless at this sort of thing and is now cross that I've wasted £20 on a TV that doesn't work.
We only have one proper aerial hookup in our old house where the 'good' TV is, so this one will just plug into the mains with a booster aerial. We've had TVs set up like this before and they worked fine but I cannot for the LIFE OF ME figure out what combination of buttons to press on the TV or remote to scan for tuning.
So, I'm hoping that maybe some of you techy-type folks might be able to help.
Here's a pic of the remote and the buttons on the TV. Any suggestions are gratefully accepted. I tried Googling but didn't really get anywhere.
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