I'm sorry if you already have, or if I'm telling you all something you already know, BUT if you haven't you have got to read Bill Bryson's Notes from a Small Island. It's one of the funniest books I have ever read. It's all about when the author first moved to this country from the States and all the differences he encountered. Having lived here for 18 years I am able to relate to a good 80% of the book and couldn't put it down. It's a must for the expat. And if you think you might be having some trouble adjusting to the change, this book will make you laugh at it all. Bill Bryson recently moved back to the States after about 20+ years in England. I understand he's decided to move back to England again. Hope you enjoy it as much as I did.
Also I would like to say what a great site this is. Been looking for an expat site for a while (knowing there must be one out there) and not finding anything, and just came across it by accident while trying to find some Twinkies (which I didn't find). Thanks for a great site.