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Topic: Unmarried patner visa quick q's  (Read 979 times)

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Unmarried patner visa quick q's
« on: March 30, 2006, 04:07:41 PM »
hello all

just a few more questions about this unmarried partner visa business.

i have been with my boyfriend since 2002.  we have lived together since 2003.  i read somewhere on here that they want 5 different sources for each place you lived and i am concerned about that cos, well, i dont.

for the first 6 months we lived together i was on bunac and we stayed with his parents.  we have a copy of their mortgage and a letter from them confirming that i stayed there but thats all we have conncecting us to that address.

then we lived in japan, i have a letter from our employer stating we rented from them and lived together as a couple.  i also have one or two bank statements, our id cards from japan and some tax certificates.  lots of this is in japanese and english.

we then moved to prague and i have lots and lots of stuff for that.  but will what i have for engladn and japan suffice?

secondly, about the money.  we both have temporary jobs lined up in england, starting a few days after i arrive there.  we also have a room in a flat shared with friends and by the time i apply we will already have paid the first months rent.  we also have references from other employers and copies of our uni degrees and other qualifications.  but we really dont have much money in the bank, by the time we actually get there we will probably only have 1000 pounds between the two of us.  should we ask to borrow some money or will the fact that we have employment lined up be enough?

lastely, as i stated before we have a room in a shared house with friends.  should we try to get our names on the lease or would a letter from our friend and a copy of the lease suffice?

getting set to go home and do all this in june so starting to get a bit nervous!!
thanks all,

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Re: Unmarried patner visa quick q's
« Reply #1 on: March 30, 2006, 11:19:29 PM »
That is tough. So I can't apply for that unless I already haved lived with my boyfriend for some time. ???
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Re: Unmarried patner visa quick q's
« Reply #2 on: March 31, 2006, 12:04:16 AM »
You need to be living with him for two years to be eligible for the unmarried partner visa.

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Re: Unmarried patner visa quick q's
« Reply #3 on: May 20, 2006, 08:14:33 PM »
how can we live together and prove we live together if we can't be in the same country for the last 9 months we have been traveling back and forth 4 times so far and we can't figure out how to go about it...   how do you satisfy this requirement if you can't get around it.   I have 2 kids in the sates and we are waiting on the finalization of his divorce and I am with child due in January...  we want are family together in the UK but every visa has us locked out because his divorce or the 2 year living together stipulation.....    Help

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Re: Unmarried patner visa quick q's
« Reply #4 on: May 20, 2006, 10:29:55 PM »
Unamrried partners are a lot more difficult now since there is civil partnership laws in place.  I know it is a sensative subject but fiancee/proposed civil partnership visas are a lot easier then the unmarried partner ones.  Allibee21, is there any reason why you are chosing the unmarried partners route, and can't take advantage of marriage or civil partnership?  If there is some reason preventing you, just collect as much stuff together.  Don't forget that visa stamps in the passport are part of the proof, dated pictures, affidavidates from friends and family who know you have been together, etc all help.  Just kill them with proof and hopefully you will get through the process.  It is subjective.  Can his parents provide sponsorship for you, that will help on the money side of things...

AddyLight, it is true that unmarried partnership visas are only available to those who have lived together for 2 years and can prove it.

I know faydra72, you have a struggle, and I know it is tough.  There isn't an easy way except to get the divorce finalized.  Love is blind and that is tough.
WARNING My thoughts and comments are entirely my own.  Especially when it comes to immigration and tax advice, I am not a professional.  My advice is to seek out professional advice.  Your mileage may vary!
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