My fiance and I are working to send off his fiance visa application at the beginning of July. At the moment I live with my parents, but they are in the process of buying a house which I will rent from them, so it will be exclusively occupied by us and my parents would be the landlords.
I'm worried that the purchase might not be completed when we send off the application. Do you think it would be ok to send a letter from the solicitors explaining that they are buying a house and giving the address, and also a letter from my parents stating they will rent to us, how much they will charge and that they will let us stay with them until the house comes through?
On the same note, I've been offered a job with the police, but I can't start until late June. In the mean time I don't have a job, but once I start I will be earning enough to support us both. I also have a small amount of savings. Will it be ok if I have only just started work, as long as I have a letter saying I have a permanent full time position and stating the amount I will be paid? Will it work against us if I don't have paystubs to show?
thanks for you help