My first post.
I'm in London now to be with my fiance. I'm a freelance video director and have found work here. I plan to return to the States in June, pack/move my stuff here, and live here for 2+ years while my fiance finishes up her course at the university.
I called the Work Permit office, and the guy who I spoke with on the phone said that if I'm self-employeed then I'm not working for anyone, so I don't need a work permit ...
It seems somehow too good to be true. Maybe I'm just a cynic ...
My question is this: when I've applied for (and ideally been granted) a fiance visa with which to re-enter the UK, should I 'keep quiet' about the fact that I've already done two projects here in a freelance capacity? If I'm asked about my plans to work, should I be vague but positive, or mention the job I've got lined up for July? Am I over-emphasizing the work permit issue as a freelancer?
I haven't found much in the way of discussion re: freelancers coming to and working in the UK, so I thought I'd solicit some input.