Ok, so I'm here in the UK on a fiance visa, and will be getting married July 15th.... my visa expires on August 5th. I'm hearing all this stuff that I have to change my name in my US passport to my changed marriage name once I'm actually married.... I just got my passport last year. I understand I have to file for an FLR OR LLR or something after I get married.....
Now, since I have a 20 day interval before my viance visa will expire, should I be mailing in my FLR pretty much the day after I marry to ensure it gets there? And once I get my passport back with whatever they put in it to say I can be here for two years, would it be wise to then change my SS card and my name in my passport, so that the IRS doesn't have problems tracking me, as well as when I want to go for a job in the UK, I can just show them my passport without having to whip out my marriage certificate?
Or should I just not worry about name-changing my passport until it's on its way to expire? When will I be allowed to have a bank acccount here? And what about healthcare? Do I get that when I just have the two year extension? (I really have to look into this FLR thing) I mighthave other questions to ask again..... I just don't want to miss a step or have some legal thing bite me in the ass later because I didn't look into the fine print.