Thanks for the information. When you spoke of 'level down' the spousal mean the ILR requirements? What would you predict to change? And would it effect those already there?
Yes, to level down means like in 2002, the spouse could apply for a concession granting ILR after 1 year. In 2003, they changed it to 2 years to level it with the UP requirements. And in 2006, from absolutely nowhere, they leveled down the ILR requirement from 4 years to 5 years for everyone in the points system. And they further disqualified everyone below Tier 2 from applying altogether.
So with that all in place, and with the new CPB operating as of last December, it makes sense that they will hit the spouses next. Why? Because it makes good copy and spouses don't really have a big voice in the way things work.
To your other question about effecting those already in a Family Formation track, the way they do it is to announce an effective date and that's that - so it would. Unless they decide to grandfather everyone who arrived after a certain date - but they have not been grandfathering because that creates a class of problems in its own right.
But it's way important to remember that this is all speculation, so take it as that. As Victoria said, they can't rush another act through until late this year without looking *completely* lost. So if you are entering this year or next year, odds are it will not be in place anyway.
Edit: I forgot to emphasize something, the two year residence requirement for spouses to qualify for ILR is still *YET* a concession. Go to the IND site and read the rule and you can see it worded as such - people tend to overlook this because it seems so normal and they don't read *CAREFULLY*. So it may not require an act of Parliament to simply alter the concession since the whole thing is outside-the-rules anyway. Over to you, Vicki...