Hi, all. I just wanted to post a note of thanks to VictoriaS and garry and everyone else who are really helpful regarding the visa process. I have been on a slow boat to a work permit through my company for a new position and in the meantime have met the "one", online, of course. We're in the middle of waiting to see whether I do indeed get the job OR if we go the spousal/fiancé route.
Thanks to all of the great postings here, I've been able to sort out the requirements, how to get everything filed, what I will need and so on. Once we decide what to do and when, it should be a total breeze but having said that, it sure wouldn't be the case had I needed to negotiate the paper trail all alone.
So, a great thumbs up to all of you. What a great support site for all things involving moving across the ocean! You guys are really the best!
P.S. He's coming over in 9 days; we're so excited and counting down but thanks to this site, I know what we need to watch out for.