Thanks for all the well wishes from you all! The moving back process (without jobs lined up yet) is a bit overwhelming and daunting, but we're dealing with it one day at a time. First up is getting the house on the market, the agent comes today to take photos for the listing. I am hoping we get someone interested and commited before I start shipping our belongings...we're still not sure how much or how little we will take. Sort of torn on that issue. Anyway...we're looking to go back mid-July and then my husband will come back to the UK after a few weeks to wrap up the house sale (positive thinking!) and his job etc... answer your questions: yes I went to the interview, but was not required to. We just wanted to site-see and spend some time together without the twins and it worked out great because I was able to help out with handing in the documents etc while husband went to have his visa pics re-taken. I am on a public computer so I am unable to cut and paste my timeline on here, sorry, but if your go to and click on the profile for "geally" then you will be able to see a brief timeline of what we did when. If I can help you in anyway just ask!