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Topic: is it really as stright forward as it seems??  (Read 923 times)

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is it really as stright forward as it seems??
« on: June 12, 2006, 07:55:46 PM »
I just read through the Visa site. And the process seems staright forward, but i thought that about the US visa process, but i was wrong. Is there anywhere that tells you step by step what to do/expect. Or even how long it may take from first filing application until you have visa in hand. We are plannign to apply for the visa in time for Chris to get it when he gets out of the military so he can then pack up and come here, We have a long while yet Feb 2008, but really in the grand scheme of things it is not that long.

I understand that once you have the visa you have 3 months in which to move. BUt how long roughly does the process take.

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Re: is it really as stright forward as it seems??
« Reply #1 on: June 12, 2006, 09:56:19 PM »
Took just five days from filling in the forms online to my Hubby recieving his visa.

He sent in the documentation along with the printed forms, (showing that he had paid as well as having all the details which were submitted online) the very same day he applied, FedEx-ed, of course, so it got there the following day.

It really is much more of a simple and faster process than US immigration. :)

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Re: is it really as stright forward as it seems??
« Reply #2 on: June 12, 2006, 10:00:31 PM »
OMG i cant believe that!!  :o Compared to the US visa process, that is amazing.

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