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Topic: Trains  (Read 854 times)

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« on: June 19, 2006, 12:34:01 AM »
I don't know if it's just that I'm cheap, but does £99.00 for two people to go from Hull to Gatwick sound a bit much? They didn't give me any options for the time I need and the cheapest one way down is £61.00 for the both of us. It's not like Gatwick is even that far. I've looked at three different websites and they all give me the same exact options and they're all the same exact prices. What's with that? Virgin, GNER and some train site are all the same thing. I figured the two companies would at least have different options.  ???

Re: Trains
« Reply #1 on: June 19, 2006, 06:50:28 AM »
I don't know if it will work for you, but sometimes if you break-up the journey, it's cheaper.  So if you pick a half way point that your train stops at and look at hte price to there, and then from that point to Gatwick.  It doesn't always work, but it's worth a try. 

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Re: Trains
« Reply #2 on: June 19, 2006, 04:08:52 PM »
The best way to book tickets, if you can, is go to the train station.  They will find you the best fares in a matter of seconds rather than you trying different times and spending hours on the stupid website.  Sometimes, it is just a matter of 15 minutes that makes the difference between a full fare and a special.  I just don't bother online anymore, I just go to the station.  it is faster and much less hassle in the end. 

As well, the people at the leicester train station are extremely friendly and very helpful.  I haven't had a dud yet!
Riding the rollercoaster of life without a seat belt!

Re: Trains
« Reply #3 on: June 19, 2006, 04:21:18 PM »
I agree - go to the station if at all possible. Booking trains definitely doesn't work like booking planes - it's really a waste of time to search for fares online. The other thing is that the lower fares seem to appear in a very small window - a couple of weeks before traveling or so. The further in advance, the worse the fare it seems.

Re: Trains
« Reply #4 on: June 19, 2006, 06:39:22 PM »

Yes, try the station. Not sure if yours has a separate advance fare counter but look around for it because they are very helpful and will find you the cheapest fares/best routes. Even if there is no advance fare area, go up to the ticket booth for assistance.

Enjoy your trip!

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