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Topic: Best way to enter UK with Fiance visa or 6 mo. visitor?  (Read 3478 times)

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Re: Best way to enter UK with Fiance visa or 6 mo. visitor?
« Reply #15 on: June 30, 2006, 10:53:41 PM »
I'm just going to reiterate what others here have said.  It may be legal for you to come over as a visitor, look for work, then go back to the US while the work permit is applied for.  However, I have been reading this board for a while and I get the distinct impression that work permits are very, very hard to get.  In other words, you are more likely to reach the end of your 6 months with no job offer than you are to get one within your time frame.

So even though that approach might be technically legal, I don't think it's a good idea because it's not very likely to work.  A fiancee or spouse visa would be a much better idea as you would not have the 6 mo deadline and you would be much more likely to get a job if you are able to work in UK already (which would not be the case on a fiancee visa but would be once you married and converted to the spouse visa).

It can take a long time to get a job after moving to the UK even with the legal right to take a job in the there!  Just check out the jobs board.  My brothers also moved over the to UK.  They are both UK citizens, and they still had to do temp work through agencies for a good chunk of time before they got good permanent jobs (it was at least a year for both of them).  This route (going through agencies) would not be available to you as a visitor.  It would just make things much easier and would give you a much higher chance of success if you enter on a settlement visa.
« Last Edit: June 30, 2006, 10:55:48 PM by FormicaLinoleum »

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Re: Best way to enter UK with Fiance visa or 6 mo. visitor?
« Reply #16 on: July 03, 2006, 11:03:13 AM »
Work permits are very, very easy to get IF the applicant fits all the criteria.  Rachel - what are your skills and qualifications?  Have you checked to see if you qualify for a work permit?


Re: Best way to enter UK with Fiance visa or 6 mo. visitor?
« Reply #17 on: July 03, 2006, 11:07:56 AM »
Work permits are very, very easy to get IF the applicant fits all the criteria.  Rachel - what are your skills and qualifications?  Have you checked to see if you qualify for a work permit?


She's a graphic designer, IIRC.

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Re: Best way to enter UK with Fiance visa or 6 mo. visitor?
« Reply #18 on: July 03, 2006, 04:10:04 PM »
Is your boyfriend a UK resident or a UK citizen?

actually the UK government suggested the same so despite your snotty remarks - take it up with the UK government! yikes and who the heck are you anyway - aside from being incredibly rude and obnoxious in your terse comments. yuck!

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Re: Best way to enter UK with Fiance visa or 6 mo. visitor?
« Reply #19 on: July 03, 2006, 04:18:01 PM »
Great legal advice.... not!  :-X   :-\\\\

Good luck to you Rachel... hope you can find the best (legal) way to do what you want to do.   :)

apologies to LOLA!!! this was meant for this person instead...
actually the UK government suggested the same so despite your snotty remarks - take it up with the UK government! yikes and who the heck are you anyway - aside from being incredibly rude in your comments.

i see it is better to read posts than join in as then you have to wade thru unnecessarily rude remarks which only waste my time and energy

Re: Best way to enter UK with Fiance visa or 6 mo. visitor?
« Reply #20 on: July 03, 2006, 08:57:05 PM »
apologies to LOLA!!! this was meant for this person instead...
actually the UK government suggested the same so despite your snotty remarks - take it up with the UK government! yikes and who the heck are you anyway - aside from being incredibly rude in your comments.

i see it is better to read posts than join in as then you have to wade thru unnecessarily rude remarks which only waste my time and energy

oh please rachel... save the drama.
i believe you were given crap advice, and i said so.
hardly a crime, really.

i hope you get what you want... and try to relax!  :)
« Last Edit: July 03, 2006, 09:02:27 PM by Q-G »

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Re: Best way to enter UK with Fiance visa or 6 mo. visitor?
« Reply #21 on: July 04, 2006, 01:01:41 AM »
Rachel...doing anything 'covertly' is bad...being advised to be 'covert' is dodgy, and that's a fact...and I bet your bro knows that.  And I really doubt the government ever used that particular word!

Another fact...we're trying to help.  Don't jump on us, and don't be snotty, please.  Oh, 'please,' that's a nice word too...try it! Or 'thank you'.



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Re: Best way to enter UK with Fiance visa or 6 mo. visitor?
« Reply #22 on: July 04, 2006, 02:36:31 AM »
Another fact...we're trying to help.  Don't jump on us, and don't be snotty, please.  Oh, 'please,' that's a nice word too...try it! Or 'thank you'.

We should all save the "snotty" for the IND officials...  :P  They seem to take lessons in it!
WARNING My thoughts and comments are entirely my own.  Especially when it comes to immigration and tax advice, I am not a professional.  My advice is to seek out professional advice.  Your mileage may vary!
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Re: Best way to enter UK with Fiance visa or 6 mo. visitor?
« Reply #23 on: July 04, 2006, 09:26:38 AM »
Really Rachel, we are trying to help but you have to understand, lots of new people come on this site desperately wanting to come to the UK. Many of them don't have a snowball's chance and they simply don't want to hear it.

And this site cannot, under any circumstances, condone anything remotely dodgy regarding visa processes. Your brother may technically be right and legal in his advice. But is it wise? Well, we're saying it's not. And this comes from lots of storeis and experiences already shared on this site.

You have a chance to come here legally as you have a boyfriend whom you have already been thinking about marriage with. It is the easiest way to be here - IF you and your BF are ready.

Yes, you can try the work permit route, but be prepared for a LOT of difficulties.

Best of luck!
When I was 5 years old, my mother always told me that happiness was the key to life. When I went to school, they asked me what I wanted to be when I grew up. I wrote down ‘happy’. They told me I didn’t understand the assignment, and I told them they didn’t understand life. ~ John Lennon

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