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Topic: More spousal visa money questions  (Read 1274 times)

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More spousal visa money questions
« on: July 23, 2006, 02:40:28 AM »
I am getting ready to apply for my spousal visa in the next two weeks.  My husband (UK citizen) left the US in April and still hasn't found a job.  I made a budget and can show that we have enough in savings to survive for at least 6 months without jobs.  I am going to include both of our diplomas/transcripts showing our educational qualifications as well as our CVs, communications with recruiters, and job adverts showing the types of jobs/salaries we'll be applying for. 

Is it going to be a problem that he's been there for so long and still hasn't found anything? 

I'm also including statements for our IRAs; will they include these towards our savings when they consider our application?  (This money isn't included in 6 months of living expenses I mentioned above.)

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Re: More spousal visa money questions
« Reply #1 on: July 23, 2006, 09:12:20 AM »
If you have a very realistic budget and plenty of savings, you'll probably be fine.  If you're worried about either, I would suggest having someone act as a financial co-sponsor. 

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Re: More spousal visa money questions
« Reply #2 on: July 23, 2006, 01:41:05 PM »
My monthly budget includes (for Bristol):
Rent -  £475
Council Tax - £38
TV license - £11
Gas - £30
Electricity - £30
Water/sewer - £27
Telephone - £25
Transportation - £130
Groceries - £152 (£35/week)
Household items - £40
Pets - £25
Personal Care (like hair cuts) - £20
Total Monthly Expenses - £1,002

The rent, council tax, and water/sewer are based on the actual rates for the property we are renting.  Transportation is based on buying 2 monthly bus passes for both zones in the city.  Everything else is an estimate based on what I could find on this website, what I remember us spending 5 years ago, from talking with the ILs, and from doing online "shopping" at sites like Tesco.com. 

The budget doesn't include general spending (clothes, dining out, entertainment).  Which we wouldn't be doing if we don't have jobs.  It is a low budget, but we don't spend that much money, even we have have it.  We tend to be savers.  How do I know if they'll consider it realistic? 

I know that I can liquidate my IRA savings if I pay taxes and a 10% penalty.  There should be no reason for us to need to do this, because we should have some kind of jobs before the other savings run out.  But will the Consulate recognize that we have access to the IRA money?  Should I point this out in my letter?

My husband is now looking for absolutely anything he can find and I plan to do the same when I arrive.  Would I be better off delaying my application until he has something?  Even if it turns out to be a 20 hour a week job at minimum wage?  If so, I know that the Consulate website says that it takes 5 business days to process the majority of mailed applications, but how close to my travel date do you think can I safely apply? 

We don't have anyone we can use as a financial co-sponsor.  And I can't be turned down for this visa.  I need to go over there.  So if the above ideas aren't good enough to show financial support, I guess I'll have to cancel my flight, lose my ticket and buy a new ticket when he gets something.  That is a really, really bad option though, since I won't have anywhere to live, and we'll have to fly out of a different city than we are planning to now because the flights that the pets can take only runs through September. 

I can PM you my actual savings information, if anyone actually has the experience to help with this.  I just don't want to post it all on the board.

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Re: More spousal visa money questions
« Reply #3 on: July 23, 2006, 01:54:53 PM »
Reading your budget I think it looks realistic.  I feel stupid because I didn't include a budget at all  ::) My H just started his job at the end of June and I applied for the visa online on July 18th, but we have a co-sponsor (his dad). Seriously I think you'll be fine on the financial side. From reading this I'm assuming you've booked your ticket? When is it for? I think at least 2-2 weeks before you leave would be enough time to get approved for the visa (even if the need an interview). If you can't wait that long then you might want to submit your supporting documents in person if that's possible.
Juls xx

Arrived in the UK on spousal visa: 19/08/06
Posted ILR Application 23/7/08
ILR app arrival at UKIBA & Fee Taken: 24/7/08
ILR issued: 29/8/08
ILR arrived here: 03/09/08

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Re: More spousal visa money questions
« Reply #4 on: July 23, 2006, 05:46:20 PM »
My flight leaves on September 19th. 

I'm just so worried about the visa, because I know that we aren't going to need recourse to public funds.  But I need to make sure that I can convince them of that.  I just wish my husband already had a job.  He has a second interview for a kitchen porter/bus boy/dishwasher/waiter job tomorrow (all positions need filling) and they want him to bring his uniform size (so hopefully that is a good sign).  It doesn't pay much and it's only for 20 hours a week, but if he gets one of the jobs we could include a letter from the employer.  And I'm sure that would help. 

The rest of my visa application is fine.  And this is the only thing that could possiblity cause us problems.

Oh, I wish they'd just give you dual citizenship when you got married and then this wouldn't all be so stressful.

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Re: More spousal visa money questions
« Reply #5 on: July 23, 2006, 08:06:53 PM »
I know!

I'm thinking if you have a decent amount in savings you should be ok. At worst they'll request an interview (that's my fear with mine as I have a speech impediment and hate the phone, but thats another story). Fingers crossed your H gets the job. I know I was so relieved when mine got one, the letter of employment like you said is a good step in proving you won't be on public funds. Oh and just to clarify, if your H requires public funds as a British citizen (like Job Seekers benefit) then he is able to get those, it's his right. However, you can't (which is what they're worried about). Wishing you the best of luck.
« Last Edit: July 23, 2006, 09:03:12 PM by PrincessJuls02 »
Juls xx

Arrived in the UK on spousal visa: 19/08/06
Posted ILR Application 23/7/08
ILR app arrival at UKIBA & Fee Taken: 24/7/08
ILR issued: 29/8/08
ILR arrived here: 03/09/08

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Re: More spousal visa money questions
« Reply #6 on: July 24, 2006, 12:24:43 PM »
I would point out that you can liqify your IRA if you need to, it will bolster the application.


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Re: More spousal visa money questions
« Reply #7 on: July 24, 2006, 01:57:51 PM »
My husband is now looking for absolutely anything he can find and I plan to do the same when I arrive.  Would I be better off delaying my application until he has something?

AZroomie has 8 years experience teaching English so when we got married it seemed like a no-brainer for her to come to England & get a teaching job, especially when you remember all the "Those that can; teach" ads the gov had been running. (Actually they still are, the b*******!)

So 2 years later; no job. Well, some supply work at the scummiest or furthest schools possible, but nothing remotely permanent. This year she's been getting some living brain-death receptionist type jobs, but temporary, part-time & intermittent.

I earn slightly more than average, so we're just about managing.

Who knows... if she had managed to get a teaching job we'd be in a great position now. But she didn't & so next year we're going to try our luck in the states.
These are small... those are far away.

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Re: More spousal visa money questions
« Reply #8 on: July 24, 2006, 02:19:58 PM »
I would point out that you can liqify your IRA if you need to, it will bolster the application.


Thanks Vicky.  I will definitely do that.  With the IRAs I am pretty sure that they'll approve the visa. 

James - Thanks for the encouragement!  ;)  I'm sure that one of us has to get something within the next 6 months.  We have to.

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