Should I be insured as a forgein driver until I get my full UK license as if you are insured as a provisional driver, you would have to be sure that you have another licensed driver with you (which really wouldn't be conveient as I have been "driving" over 10 years).
There's no requirement to have a U.K. licensed driver with you when driving on a U.S. license. So long as you can get an insurance company to issue a policy which covers you, you'll be within the law. Just about all insurance proposal forms will ask how long (if at all) you've held a U.K. license, so the fact that you are driving on a "foreign" license will be noted on the policy (and they'll almost certainly bump up the premium

I had USAA in the states and love them.....but in the UK I found them higher than other options.
I had a few quotes via the British AA some years back, and they almost always came back as the most expensive of the bunch, certainly if you were driving something which would be considered out of the ordinary for Britain.
One quote from somewhere back around 1990/91 really sticks in my mind. It was for a '72 Pontiac LeMans. Third-party liability was quoted by the AA at a whopping £850 per year!

(I told them somewhat sarcastically that I only wanted an insurance policy, not shares in the company

In the end I got the same cover via one of the specialist insurers for somewhere around £100 to £110.