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Topic: Income Requirements  (Read 1334 times)

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Income Requirements
« on: August 04, 2006, 09:55:18 AM »
So i'm looking at the 2006 Poverty Guidelines for completing my affidavidt of support for Dave.

I know we need to have over 125% and i've found that number and we have it combined....... (i have ££ in my account and he has half in his 2 ISAs).

Can we use combined household savings for us both on there?  I think it asks that (forms are at home) but i want to be suire that if I am the sole sponsor, i don't have to have that money myself...that his savings, as my UK spouse, count too.

It's all our money-but the ISAs are in his name

Thanks!  It would make me happy to not have to ask Dad to be a co sponsor as we'll have even more in the upcoming months, it's just at the time of filing the I-130 we won't

But now i'm thinking....the affidavit of support doesn't come out till later in the process.....


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Re: Income Requirements
« Reply #1 on: August 04, 2006, 10:09:10 AM »
So i think i understood this bit wrong...we just have to prove that we make over 125% of the poverty line?

What are the income requirements for an Affidavit of Support?
You also must meet certain income requirements (whether you are a sponsor, a joint sponsor, or a substitute sponsor). You must show that your household income is equal to or higher than 125 percent of the U.S. poverty level for your household size (See table below.) Your household size includes you, your dependents, any relatives living with you, and the immigrants you are sponsoring. For example, if you have a spouse and two children and you want to sponsor your brother and his wife, you must prove that your household income is equal to or higher than 125 percent of the U.S. poverty level for a family of six, or $33,500, from the table below. You must also include in your household size any immigrants you have previously sponsored under this part of the law. In the above example, if you had previously sponsored your parents and your sister, your household size would be nine persons and you would need a household income of 6,250 ($2,000 + $4,250).

I fear I am going to be littering the board with so many questions as I am SOOO confused!

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Re: Income Requirements
« Reply #2 on: August 04, 2006, 10:10:38 AM »
And i'm answering my own questions by looking at this page....so for anyone else wondering!


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