My fiance and I are getting married soon in America and then a week after the wedding we're going back to England to live. We're scheduling an appointment to get the Spousal Visa since we wouldn't have time to do it by mail so that should all be okay.
But when/how do I change my name? I didn't want to do it while I'm here in America because then my real name wouldn't match the name on my passport and I know how long it can take to get a new passport and I don't want to have to deal with getting all that done plus the wedding, etc and I didn't know how it would interfere with getting the Spousal Visa timing wise. So my dad suggested that I just wait and hopefully get my name changed as well as my passport while I'm over in England, is this possible? Can I do it through the embassy or something? I can only imagine it would be possible since surely Americans living in the UK get married IN the UK versus coming back to America like we're doing. But I just want to be sure, can someone point me in the right direction of a government website with info about this?
I did a search on here and found some people saying you don't have to change the name on your passport, they just make a notation in it that your name has been changed? But that just doesn't sound right, I don't want to have problems at Immigration if my passport has one name but my visa has another or something like that. I'd rather just go over there strictly as my original name and then change everything while I'm over there, if I can. But then, will that effect my Spousal Visa?