So, how much is auto insurance, and how much must you pay in fees and taxes each year?
Annual vehicle registration (the "tax disc" -- equivalent to license plates/tags) depends upon the age of the car and the engine. For vehicles registered from March 2001 there's a sliding scale based upon estimated emissions and type of fuel. The maximum rate is £190 per year. For cars registered new since March of this year, there's a new top category which can push the tax up to £215 maximum.
For older cars (pre March 2001), there are just two simple classifications: £110 for engines up to 1549c.c. (approx. 90 cu. in.) and £175 per year for anything over that, regardless of emissions.
Pre-1973 vehicles are tax exempt.
Click here for tax ratesThere are no other annual property or ad valorem taxes on private cars, just the fee for the yearly inspection for anything over 3 years old.
Insurance is very much the proverbial "piece of string" question as it can vary tremendously with age, driving experience, vehicle, location, etc. My '87 Ford Bronco II was £166 per year at the last renewal for third party liability, fire and theft cover (I'm 40, U.K. license since 1983, clean driving record, full no-claim discount, lowest risk area). At the other extreme I recently ran a quote (just for the heck of it) for a newly licensed 17-year-old driver in North London driving a small Honda and it came back at over £4000 for the first year!