What is that phrase (involving a scotsman?) about a UK expat who becomes much more patriotic to the UK once they live in their new county?
It is driving me MAD trying to remember!!
Anyway, we've been back in the States for a year and a half now, and this is definitely a phenomenon my husband is experiencing.
We're both still very glad with our move - he's looking forward to his path to citizenship so he can vote - but he certainly is more interested in UK matters than he ever was before, and has even been caught wearing an England shirt! Something that would have killed him back home.
he listens to laods of BBC podcasts, catches up on cricket and football, and we even have a St George flag here.
I felt the same way about the US when I lived in the UK, but still... I'm surprised that my stiff-upper-lippy kind of guy has turned into one of those.... those.... AG! What is the phrase??