From the TSA website...
"Effective Tuesday, September 26, TSA Is Adjusting The Ban On Liquids, Aerosols And Gels
There are two major changes:
1. Travelers may now carry through security checkpoints travel-size toiletries (3 ounces or less) that fit comfortably in ONE, QUART-SIZE, clear plastic, zip-top bag.
2. After clearing security, travelers can now bring beverages and other items purchased in the secure boarding area on-board aircraft.
At the checkpoint travelers will be asked to remove the zip-top bag of liquids and place it in a bin or on the conveyor belt. X-raying separately will allow TSA security officers to more easily examine the declared items.
In addition, larger amounts of prescription liquid medications, baby formula and diabetic glucose treatments must be declared at the checkpoint for additional screening.
It is unlikely that additional changes in the liquid, aerosol and gel policy will be made in the near future.
This security regimen applies to all domestic and international flights departing U.S. airports. Travelers should, however, check with transportation security authorities in their country-of-origin for flights originating at non-U.S. airports."
www.tsa.govYay!!! Diet Coke and toothpaste...I'll now be able to survive the trip!