So I head back to Seattle next week (YAY!
) to pick up our cat. We live in the Hull area. The only PETS route for us is Seattle to Heathrow...
My understanding is that it would be extremely difficult to try to book a flight from Heathrow up north given that the PETS process could take awhile. I also don't think I want to put her through the flight process again. So, my options for getting her back north are to driver her, or to maneuver her, luggage etc. on the tube and onto the Hull trains. My DH will come down and meet me at the ARC (he's staying home) so he can at least help with luggage. The good thing about this is that it will probably be the quickest way home, but it also would be a lot of extra stress for her with all the people and noise.
DH can also drive down to meet us at the ARC, but he's really nervous about driving into the area with how crazy the traffic and such might be. Could anyone tell me if it's feasible to drive to the ARC, or if there's some other place we could meet up without me having to do a lot of schlepping?