Hi everyone,
The SO is coming to visit over the holidays (Dec. 28th to be exact) and is flying into JFK. I was wondering if any of you can speak for what the officers at the POE are like (He got quite a grilling at PHL despite only staying for 5 days and having proof of ties to the UK--we think it was because he was using my frequent flyer miles). I know it all depends on the person and the day, but I know at least going into the UK I've had better experiences flying into Manchester than into the London airports, so any input would be helpful.
Also, I think I might have asked this a while ago but it may have not been on these boards: when he left the US on his last visit (April '05), they never took the little green card stapled in his passport for the visa waiver out (I've heard this happens to several people visiting the US). After his last experience, the last thing we want is for him to get flagged and sent home because of this. Should he just send it to the American Embassy, or what? What are the potential consequences of him not turning in that card? I'm trying to figure this out a few months ahead of time, so we can have it taken care of. I'm just really anxious after what happened on his first trip!

I'm also hoping the weather won't be horrendous. . .
Okay, one last thing because transportation is still an issue (I have no car). I know Greyhound buses run from NYC to Scranton (where I live) often enough but does anyone know about getting to Port Authority from JFK?
Thanks a bunch in advance.