Hope this is not too late to be of use to you, Marlespo!
I planned for and experienced a non-medicated labor and delivery, for my son, Jackson. I arrived at the birth center, at 3:30 a.m., 3 cm's dilated, and spent most of my labor in the very lovely, very deep, very sweet Jacuzzi they have there. I think as a result of being relaxed and not having constant monitoring (like the hospitals do), and using position changes out of the tub, really helped my labor advance quickly, even though I was a first-timer. I went from 3 cm's to 10 in 3 hours. I pushed for 57 minutes, and had my 8 lb, 21 inch baby boy, with a minimal 3-stitch tear.
And like you, I wanted to be able to experience the birth with all my senses intact, even though that meant enduring the pain. Like someone else said, the pain was intense, and at times overwhelming, but I never got to the point where I even imagined asking for medication. I just didn't need it.
I know you'll hear a lot of horror stories out there, but honestly, there was nothing traumatic or terrible about my experience. I felt wonderful afterwards, and have no regrets about my choice for no pain meds. If I have another, I will definitely go med-free again, only this time I will probably just stay at home and have my baby there.
So, here's wishing you a happy, and easy, quick birth!
>>>>>>>sending labor vibes to Marlespo!!!>>>>>>