Issue #1:
I'm basically going to be a first-time air traveler when I fly to London next month. I'm a bit confused at this point because of the latest regulations (and I am thankful they have relaxed some of them since initially putting them into place.)
TSA here in the States is pretty clear. I have no problem understanding the regulations there.
I am, however, having a bit of trouble with the
BAA restrictions.
If I bring the liquids from the US to the UK, will they take my Ziploc baggie away?
FAQ addresses the differences between US and UK policies about the liquids. But I think they only take away your toiletries if you've flown into the UK and then will be leaving from there on a flight to another county (i.e. If I were flying into Gatwick and immediately leaving on a flight from Gatwick to Italy.) I assume they won't take them away if I'm just leaving the airport after I arrive?
And, so, I guess when I fly back out of Gatwick, I won't be allowed to take any liquids in my hand luggage unless it's been purchased after the security check?
I'm writing this in a very confusing manner, I think, but I wanted to see if anyone here had flown both in and out of the UK or US since they have revised the policies.
Issue #2:
I had this idea in my head that I could do the
one bag thing. My trip is basically 10 or 11 days, I will have access to laundry facilities at my hostel and can do smaller items in the sink (as far as I'm concerned.) I had planned on using Northwest Airline's carry-on luggage policy of one bag plus a smaller bag - the smaller bag being my small backpack-style camera bag (it pretty well fits the size restrictions for the second bag allowed.) That way, I could keep from checking any luggage.
I think I could probably get by with doing that on my flight TO London, but, per the regulations I'm reading about for British airports, I wouldn't be able to. They only allow a second, smaller piece of hand luggage if that smaller bag fits into your main hand luggage. Obviously, that may work for a hand bag but I could get a small backpack in it. If I have to choose between checking my actual luggage and checking my camera bag, I'm obviously not going to let my camera bag out of my sight.
Is my above understanding of the UK hand luggage rules correct?
I'm writing this in a very confusing manner, I think, but I wanted to see if anyone here had flown both in and out of the UK or US since they have revised the policies.Thanks to anyone who got through this post and was able to decipher my ramblings. This luggage thing is making me feel really neurotic!