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Topic: Rabies Vaccination  (Read 1015 times)

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Rabies Vaccination
« on: November 17, 2006, 02:03:01 PM »

I am new to the forum and just starting to read all the information. This forum is soooo helpful. Thank you guys so much for sharing the essentials and experiences.

Now my question, and i apologize if it has been asked before. We are starting the PETS process this coming week with the intention of being able to take both our doggies to the UK in 2007. They both have been microchipped when adopted from rescue organizations (which was 4 and 2 years ago). That means their last rabies vaccination was given after the microchipped was placed. Question: Provided their rabies shots are up to date as of now, do we still need to get them vaccinated again before getting the blood test done?

Thank you  :)


Re: Rabies Vaccination
« Reply #1 on: November 18, 2006, 08:48:18 AM »
As long as they've had A vaccination AFTER the microchipping then they are fine.  And just make sure you continue to get them vaccinated regularly.

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Re: Rabies Vaccination
« Reply #2 on: November 18, 2006, 09:59:24 AM »
Kristina's right, but I'd also add this caveat:

As long as they've had a vaccination after the microchipping AND YOU HAVE THE PAPERWORK SHOWING WHEN EACH OF THESE STEPS OCCURRED then they are fine. 

When I went to get my paperwork certified by the USDA vet (the last step before tick and tapeworm then departure!), she specifically wanted to see the paperwork/receipts from the microchipping and vaccine, even though the information (dates, times, chip numbers, vaccine batch numbers) were all on the third-country health form as well as the EC 998/2003 form.  I just had a computer print-out receipt from the vet that said something like

vet's name
my name

microchipping - Toby .......................$cost
rabies vaccination - Toby ..................$cost
microchipping - Xander ....................$cost
rabies vaccination - Xander ...............$cost

                                                        $total cost
                                                        (paid with mastercard)

and that seemed to be fine, but she asked for it specifically and I got the distinct feeling that if I hadn't had it, I'd have been in trouble. 

In short, if you've got documentation that shows the date your doggies were chipped as well as documentation of the date of their latest rabies vaccine, then you should be fine.  If you don't have any documentation of the chipping procedure, or your rabies certificate doesn't list the chip number, then you may be better off scheduling another vaccination before you do the blood draw, as they're very strict about the idea that the chip should be read (and that this fact should be documented) at every. single. point. 

Good luck with everything!

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