rats- i just posted a big post and it never took. needless to say i will first explain what SHOULD happen and then what has happened to me.
1- Your wife fills out NIP. Attaching US license & cover letter saying she has US license. Does not have UK license
2- You should get a letter back saying that as the Fixed Penalty offers cannot deal with non-UK licenses, the issue is being referred to CPS (crown prosecution service).
3- You should be summoned. You can do this all by mail. You plead guilty by post. You pay 60 pounds (not sure about red light though).
4- The DVLA makes a ghost license for you and applies these 3 points to this ghost license
5- If/when she goes for a uk provisional/full license these points will be transferred to this license.
Now- what has actually happened to me in actuality-?
1- US license. Sent back US license details. Heard nothing back
2- US license. Sent back US license details. Plead guilty by post. Points never put on UK ghost license.
3- US license. Sent back US license details. Plead guilty by post. Points put on UK ghost license. Points successfully transferred to my new UK license.
You may want to check you this website
http://www.pepipoo.com/Feel free to ask any and all questions- I know far too much about this subject.