Yes I agree with you on the 'wheres theres a will there's a way' thing - my cousins (who I've mentioned before on the medical section of the board) who are here on work permits only, have 2 mortgages and as per anything in life, dependant on how much money there is, anything can get done.
Moggy - Nope I'm not joking! - 'generally' speaking, if you're a non UK citizen, to get a mortgage the 'normal way' (putting a deposit down) most lenders will offer upto around 80-85% (if lucky) of the value of the property. they will then assess you and the situation you are in and usually something will and can be arranged (just like my cousins did) Kitsonk's scenario is similar in that respect too and more than likely, the lenders will give them a mortgage (especially after seeing potentially £120 grand being earned, you can safely assume the banks will be rubbing their hands together with glee at this prospect!)
What needs to be remembered here is that the more money you have or will have (earnings) the easier it will be to get a mortgage. So in order to get a 100% mortgage and to get the banks to bend the rules, you'd generally need to be earning very high salaries.
If you don't want to be assessed you can still get a mortgage here, by putting a large deposit down, usually 20,25 or 30% - the banks won't even ask what you do for a living! and the dosh will be in your account (or with the solicitors/sellers bank) very quickly!
Going from what my cousins told me, they were in the UK for around 1.5 years before deciding to buy, they are not UK citizens and haven't applied for citizenship or ILR etc. From the time they mentioned they wanted to buy and moving in was around 2 months (their earnings is also extremely high but a good £30 grand less than Kitsonks!) , so I'd estimate for you provided you have a place in mind, it probably would be quicker.
In both your's and kitsonk's scenario, you both have partners who ARE UK citizens, which to the lenders 'feels better' ! Moggy, I think you'll need to find out about if the ILR thing makes a difference to the application or not and of course, see how much dosh you have or will earn which will help sway the decision your way!
Disclaimer - I'm extremely knackered today after having the last 4 days being an exhibitor and a Trade only show - my brain is a bit frazzled! - if something in what I've said doesn't make sense, you now know why! - Im only going on the rules that I've had explained to me from various lenders and mortgage advisors both in the UK and USA/Canada & proeprty magazines.
Cheers! and Good luck to you Moggy & Kitsonk! DtM West London & Slough UK!