the latest on this is that becuase more and more people are cottoning onto getting refunds this way, 'free personal banking' may become a thing of the past as the banks want to start charging - basically the same system as in the US! and most other countries in the world. The UK is one of only a handful that has free personal banking and even then it was only introduced within the last 20-25 years or so.
I heard a while back that the 'transfer your balance and get 0% for 6 months' thing on credit cards may be phased out too - I've never needed to do it myself, but i know ALOT of people who have! I'm split on opinion, whilst it's good to have the option, i'm more in the favour of people being made to look at thier finances more closely and not get into so much debt in the first place.
But seeing as the UK's 'borrowing culture' is so ingrained, it'll take a good few generations to change!
Cheers! DtM! west London UK!